“As our gin is of a very high quality, the boxes immediately appealed to us as a match to this quality. The quality of finish, the quality of the fittings and the bespoke design and build service were all very appealing. We had looked at presentation boxes before but nothing of sufficient quality at an affordable price was available. This Polmac (UK) Ltd box ticked all the boxes in that respect. “Ian Woods – Sales Director / The Northumberland Spirit Co. Ltd
“Thank you for the high quality of the materials provided…!”Aylwyn Michel – Marketing Executive / Seiko
"Re: Black Wooden Gift Box" "That Is Perfect, Thank You So Much For All Your Help With This. Thanks Again"Cheryl Francis, Tomatin Distillery
"Yes we've received the order. Thank you very much for turning it around so quickly!"Maggie, Healing Herbs
"The boxes are exactly what we required, so thank you again!"Sandra Rewcastle, Locomotion
"Many thanks for the last delivery. It was beautifully timed. Thank you for facilitating it earlier rather than later - we appreciate it!"Catherine Keattch, Crystal Herbs
"Thank you very much Bogusia. Wonderful service as usual...!"Don Dennis, International Flower Essence Repertoire
"I received the walnut box this morning and am very impressed with the craftsmanship that went into creating this product!"Sam Briggs, Personalised Images
"We received the boxes yesterday and I must say we are over the moon with them! Fantastic quality, better than we asked for so a BIG thank you from HSC."Mark Hayward, Homeopathic Supply Company
"I have received the boxes and I have to say they look amazing, thank you do much for producing these so quickly and to such a high standard...Thank you for your efforts to ensure the products were delivered on budget and on time."James Doel And Ed Noble, QAV Limited
"The good news is that the chocolate boxes all passed QC, so we have no returns on those at all. It is very unusual for our warehouse not to find a single fault, especially on a batch of 30 - so they must have been absolutely perfect. Hopefully that good news helps! Speak soon re feedback on the globe boxes."Phoebe Gatehouse Product Developer, David Linley.Com
The product is excellent and I have just made final payment."Mark Smith, Rufus Publications